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Essential Oils

We are so glad you're interested in learning more about essential oils! We created Living Diffused jewelry as a way to help introduce new friends to essential oils and meet a whole lot of new people.

Most people turn to essential oils as a way to enhance or start their wellness journey.  There are a lot of ways that you could get your hands on essential oils (even "natural" ones!) and we want to help you in that decision making process. Just like in most any other industry, you're going to find a wide range in quality (or skill) of the product (or service) you're shopping for.  Below you're going to find some great information to read through and start learning the what, how, and why of essential oils!

What makes up an essential oil?

Essential oils (EOs) are the most highly concentrated component of the natural oils in a plant.  The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavor, or more commonly referred to as the “essence.”  These compounds are extracted from various parts of each plant type through a process called distillation. 

Essential oils come from any and every piece of the plant you can imagine! From the flowers to stems, buds, barks, resin, and rind! Almost every piece of the select plants, trees, and fruits will provide the sweet nectar that we can use in so many ways!

What is the process of getting essential oils from the plant?

EOs are typically obtained by steam distillation. When the plant is heated through water and steam, the oils are drawn out, collected, and filtered. Essential oils can also be cold-pressed which is an extraction process specific to citrus like oranges, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, bergamot, orange, lime, etc.

There are different types of EOs?

Sure are! It’s a mixed bag when it comes to which EO is used for what purpose.

Fragrance – the smell-good ones made just for sniffin’ & chillin’

Synthetic/Nature-Identical – A blend of natural and/or chemically modified oils

Therapeutic – These babies are the natural ones made for aromatherapy a.k.a the ones you’ll be rubbing all over for all over relief and relaxation

Does quality really matter?

YES, so buyers beware! Synthetics, contaminants, cheap fillers, and unethical production practices should never have been created, let alone sold for people looking for true essential oils.

Inexpensive essential oils are often synthetic, adulterated, or unethically sourced.

This is why we encourage our customers to buy their essential oils from a reputable retailer. We here at Living Diffused choose to only use essential oils from Young Living. Here's why: Young Living formed their company on the 3 pillars of the Seed to Seal program - Sourcing, Science and Standards.

Young Living sources the crops to make essential oils directly from corporate-owned farms and partner farms. The extensive product testing doesn’t take place exclusively in-house.  Each batch of essential oil gets tested with two independent, respected, and accredited labs. Finally, not only is Young Living’s compliance program exhaustive, but it’s also the first of its kind in the industry. It is the gold standard for compliance programs and research.

Interested in learning more about Young Living or ordering your own essential oils? Check out our sister website here.