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Our Story

In September, 2014, we found ourselves sitting in a crowd at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Minneapolis with an aching in our hearts. We were wishing we could make even more of a difference for the organization that meant so much to our family. We discovered that some of the top fundraisers in our state were selling handmade items to boost their donations. We wanted to do more, not just in raising money for a great cause, but also in standing with families during their difficult times.

Backtrack to 2013 and then in 2015 when we discovered that both Scott’s mom and dad, respectively, were fighting losing battles against dementia. Early on the road of navigating the dementia prognosis we had discovered the healing properties of speaking life, prayer, and using essential oils. We posted scripture and encouraging quotes everywhere and were diffusing oils inside the house, but we wanted a way to carry those oils with us throughout the day, whether we were caring for his parents or our infant daughter, at work or at church.

Furthermore, we found that many people were intimidated or confused by essential oils, and didn’t know how to use them. Living Diffused was born of a desire to help families struggling with dementia, but has grown to be so much more. Every family has their own story of struggle and we would love to partner with you during those times of stress. 

Essential oils help support our emotional well-being and can provide comfort, especially when paired with Bible verses filled with God’s promises. The jewelry in our shop are an easy way to start using your oils today and carry them with you wherever you go.

Buy for yourself or for a friend going through a difficult time or simply seeking to live a more content lifestyle. Living Diffused will donate $2 for each item sold to the Alzheimer's Association, providing help and comfort to those walking the same path we found ourselves on. We hope that our jewelry and inspirational products speak to your heart and provide the healing that you need. 

From our family to yours,

Leah, Scott and Madi